Hike on the Hallandsleden
Discover Halland’s beautiful hinterland on foot by hiking the Hallandsleden. Along the middle part of the route, the Eastern route, is our facility in Ätran.The nature is varied with a variety of open countryside, water and forest.
Read more about the middle section at hallandsleden.se [External link]
Hike with a dog on the Hallandsleden trail
It is perfectly possible to take the dog on a hike on the Hallandsleden. There are a few things to keep in mind when taking your dog on your hike.
Read more about hiking with a dog at hallandsleden.se [External link]

Consider the Allemansrätten
In Sweden, we have the right to the common man, which we should all be thankful for. It gives us all the right to be out in nature, but of course it also requires good judgment and great responsibility. The public right also means that we have certain obligations. We must show consideration for landowners and for other people. We must also not damage nature and animal life.
Read more about Allemansrätten at hallandsleden.se [External link]
Hiking trails
Kärnebygd – Lake Eseredssjön
Here, hikers will encounter the very varied landscape of central Halland. It is an extensive lake system, traces of the ice age with large glacial river deposits and coniferous forest. At the Ån Ätran, the landscape opens up. The stage destination is in the community of Ätran, where you can get all the services you need.
Read more about the trail between Kärnebygd and Eseredsjön at hallandsleden.se [External link]
Lake Eseredssjön – Långesjön
The trail winds along either side of the country road between Ätran and Drängsered. Nature continues to be varied with a variety of open countryside and forest. A number of smaller lakes are passed on the way to Långesjön.
Read more about the trail between Eseredssjön and Långesjön at hallandsleden.se [External link]
In addition to the 12 trails, there is also the Ätranbaneleden, which runs between Ullared – Ätran – Fegen and is 24 kilometers long. These paths are laid on old embankments of the former railway. The cycle path is clearly marked with red and white signs. Along these trails there are rest areas, information signs and a red and white signpost.
A variant is to cycle or hike the Gällaredstour number 7, Ätranrundan.
Route: Gällared – Kärnebygd – Gunnarp – Ätran.
The Ätran railway to Fegen – Krogsered – Gällared.
Cycle around Ätran
In the area there are great opportunities for both cycling and hiking. For example, Ekomuseum nedre Ätradalen has selected proposals for 12 trails that stretch from Falkenberg’s coastal land to Svenljunga’s southern forest areas. Along the loops there are many interesting places to visit and sights such as cafés, swimming areas and shops and much more.

Stay in our cabins along your hike
If you want accommodation in connection with your hike on the Hallandsleden, you are welcome to book a cabin with us with 6 beds. In total, we have 7 cabins with a total of 42 beds. For larger groups, we also offer a comprehensive solution with both accommodation and food.
Feel free to combine the hike with booking accommodation with us, which includes entry to our heated outdoor pool as well. There is also a gym and sauna within walking distance of the cottages.